Friday, September 09, 2022 by S.D. Wells
Welcome to third world Jackson, Mississippi, where 180,000 hunter-gatherers can’t find drinkable water, while human feces flow down the street after floods ravished the city. What happened to the trillion-dollar Infrastructure Bill money that Biden promised would save Flint, Michigan and Jackson, Mississippi from having to flush their toilets with bottled water? Did Nancy Pelosi spend all the money on ice cream? Where’s the $400 million that Jackson City Council recently unanimously approved for 2021-2022 for their “operating budget?” Doesn’t “operating” mean having running water to take showers, flush toilets and drink to survive? Are all these governments, at every level, 100 percent corrupt to the core, that they embezzle all the funds and never spend a dime on the allotted and severely dilapidated infrastructure?
How many more Democrat-run cities in America can the governments turn into third world hell-holes? What are all the taxes being used for? Is anyone held accountable? In a city of 180,000 people, they have no functioning water system, so they must be urinating and defecating somewhere other than their toilets, but where? How are restaurants washing dishes? Or do they even bother anymore, since it’s all breaking down into a third world existence? Will raw human feces soon be running down the gutters of the streets of Jackson? People might confuse it with San Fran-shitzsco!
In August of 2021, Resident Joe Biden pretended to sympathize with the city’s struggles when promoting the tax-payer-funded, fake infrastructure bill worth $1 trillion US dollars, which is completely disappearing (into the pockets of the politicians and to support Hunter Biden’s porn-and-crack addictions). Biden said, “Never again can we allow what happened in Flint, Michigan, and Jackson, Mississippi.” Jackson’s crippled wastewater system has been ignored for years, and remains under a state of emergency right now. It’s literally a life-or-death crisis.
The two state agencies responsible for allocating millions of dollars in federal infrastructure funds say it could be AT LEAST mid-to-late 2023 before any money at all shows up. Wait, what? The Democrat Mayor of Jackson, Chokwe Antar Lumumba, says he needs billions of dollars to fix the decayed system.
One resident is on the record saying, “Lives have been compromised daily due to the water crisis and pushing this another year to 2023 is simply not going to work for the citizens of Jackson, especially when we talk about humanity and preserving life.”
Yes, the state Legislature already received $450 million from the Congressional Covid relief package passed in 2021, but says they can’t release any of it until every city and county matches it dollar-for-dollar. Jackson only has $25 million, which would hardly even scratch the surface of the multi-billion-dollar polluted water CATASTROPHE they’re experiencing right now.
There are residents in hospitals right now in Jackson, Mississippi who need clean water for dialysis, and it’s simply not available and can’t be accounted for by any politicians. What happened to all the money? There are problems everywhere there, including water main breaks, sewage spills onto residential streets, perennial service disruptions, a history of deferred maintenance, and the city’s entire budget spent and wasted.
Boil-water notices are plastered all over the city. The water there often suffers from elevated lead levels, and now it’s got urine and feces in it. State health officials are warning pregnant women and young children not to drink the city’s water, but somehow, it’s fine for everyone else?
It’s all part of the population reduction agenda, as many Black citizens have been neglected by the broke city and seen decades of population loss. It’s all about abortions at Planned Parenthood, gene therapy clot shots that cause miscarriages, and polluted water that breeds disease. Yes, Jackson is a majority-Black city with Democrats running the smoke-and-mirrors infrastructure “show.”
It’s literally a sh#t-show, with brown water flowing down the streets while the politicians bathe in money. Meanwhile citizens can’t take a bath, they can’t wash their dishes, and they can’t drink the water. Don’t forget, the “progressive” Mayor of Jackson once promised to turn Jackson into the “most radical city on the planet.” Congratulations.
By the way, where is the mass media’s apology to all the preppers who urged Americans to buy WATER FILTERS for the last decade? Keep your truth news in check by adding Preparedness.news to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on real news about surviving and thriving in the current economy, and news that’s being scrubbed from MSM and social media as you read this.
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Tagged Under: Tags: badhealth, badpollution, big government, clean water, collapse, conspiracy, corruption, deception, dirty water, disaster, jackson flood, Joe Biden, mississippi flooding, outrage, potable water, scarcity, tap water, traitors, wastewater, water supply, Water Wars
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