Friday, December 21, 2018 by Lance D Johnson
There’s a reason why the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has implemented a Clean Water Act and a Clean Air Act, but NO Clean Soil Act.
A Clean Soil Act would fundamentally change how wastewater is processed and recycled. It would require the EPA come clean about the toxic composition of fertilizers being spread on North American soils. A Clean Soil Act would halt the mass spread of toxic sewage on food crops all across America. It would expose environmental crimes within the EPA itself. A Clean Soil Act would require the truth to come out; that the recycling of bio-solids is a toilet-to-farm scheme that is poisoning America’s gardens and farmlands and forcing humans to eat from their own waste.
The bio-solids that are processed and recycled at municipal wastewater treatment plants are sold to homes and farms across the country as “fertilizers.” These bio-solids are a chemical nightmare, consisting of a wide array of pharmaceuticals, agro-chemicals, industrial chemicals, household chemicals, pathogenic material, and heavy metals. This toxic biosludge should never come in contact with soils that grow food for human and animal consumption. (Related: The government is lying about the safety of biosludge.)
In the new documentary Biosludged, scientific experts and whistle blowers break down what is happening to North American soils and how this mass pollution scheme is making people chronically ill and mentally lobotomized. In this documentary, former EPA scientist and whistle blower Dr. David Lewis reveals the shocking extent of the EPA’s criminal activities and scientific fraud. The fertilizer that people add to their soils is inundating crops with disease-promoting pathogens and a slew of chemicals that wreck havoc on the physiological processes of the human body.
The documentary also warns that the food supply is at grave risk of being used as a vector for terrorist activity. A terrorist can flush massive amounts of chemicals into the sewage system, only to have it all recycled as fertilizer for use on crop fields. Sewage sludge could also be laced with bio-weapons and microorganisms that cause food poisoning and infectious disease. All the human dung that is deposited on food crops ultimately releases chemicals into the groundwater, too. People across the U.S. are literally regurgitating the toxic composition of their own poop, using water and fertilizer that has been poisoned over and over again. These biosludge chemicals directly affect brain function, immune function, and fertility. All the cancer marches and pink ribbon fundraisers should start to look at what’s going on with the food supply, how toxic human waste is re-consumed, poisoning the population into cancerous states.
Watch the full documentary at BrighteonFilms.com and download the full movie files that you can openly share with others. Stay up-to-date on the “greatest environmental crime you’ve never heard” at Biosludge.News.
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Tagged Under: Tags: badfood, badhealth, badpollution, badscience, bio-terrorism, Biosolids, cancer causes, Clean Soil Act, deception, EPA, EPA fraud, food supply, fraud, human waste, outbreaks, pharmaceutical runoff, soil health, soil poisoning, toxic chemicals, wastewater treatment